Hi! Security Alert: This router has been found vulnerable to Mirai worm. Here are some steps to try to prevent such attacks (disconnect the 'internet' cable and reboot first just in case): 1. Change default admin password if you haven't done so (Change via Console is preferred) 2. Disable Remote Management (may prevent future updates though ... manual update would be needed if new firmware is released) 3. Remove additional users from config file (Advanced) - Save the current router configuration via Maintenance tab from Advanced GUI to a PC - Edit the config file for "Account" section and remove the extra users apart from admin by deleting the Entry1 and Entry2 sub-sections Note: One can also change the default password for the admin user here if not already changed. Be sure to change the console password as well! <Account> <Entry0 username="admin" web_passwd="admin"...
My Tech Adventures
I like to tinker with computers & gadgets ... and ... this blog'll document all of my "experiments"!!!